
The Terrazzo CLI needs a terrazzo.config.js file in your project root for most tasks. Here’s an example file, with all defaults:

import { defineConfig } from "@terrazzo/cli";
import css from "@terrazzo/plugin-css";

export default defineConfig({
  tokens: ["./tokens.json"],
  outDir: "./tokens/",

  plugins: [
    css(), // generate .css files

  lint: {
    rules: {
      // my lint rules

Enabling { "type": "module" } in your package.json is recommended, but if that’s not possible, name your config terrazzo.config.mjs instead.


All your token files to parse. Can be one file (tokens: "tokens.json"), or multiple (tokens: ["colors.json", "typography.json", "spacing.json"]).

In the case of multiple files, they will be merged in array order (last will take precedence).

Supports JSON, JSONC, and YAML.


The directory for plugin output. By default this is ./dist/ (relative to terrazzo.config.js).


It’s recommended to add outputDir to your .gitignore.


Plugins for Terrazzo. Each plugin generates one or more outputs (generally). Plugins can even be chained together.

You can use an existing plugin, or write your own.


See Lint docs.


You can ignore certain tokens from all parsing and output at a global level. This is useful if you have tokens that are invalid, or you just don’t want to show up in any plugin.

export default defineConfig({
  ignore: {
    tokens: ["legacy-tokens.*"],
    deprecated: true,


An array of token IDs or globs to ignore from all lint rules.


Set to true to not parse or output any tokens that are $deprecated.